How long have you been writing about wine?

I have been writing about wine for Chicago-area print news media since 2010.

what's your favorite wine?

I have many favorites, but what I like might not be what you like.

As I told my wife years ago, everyone can relate to music; we all have our favorites.  Wine is like music.  If you like it, you turn it up.  If you don’t like it you turn it off.  It is really that simple.


How do you know so much about wine?

Experts make me look good, and I ask them a lot of questions. The recollection of their stories comes easy for me, but I’ve been fortunate to be introduced to some amazing people in the wine industry that trust me with their stories.

What bottle got you hooked?

A 1980 Opus One.  That's a story I'll write one day.

What qualifies you to write about wine?

A journalism degree is the boring answer. An interest in telling the story of winemakers, wineries and the natural beauty of vineyard is my driving force.